
A very high test coverage is maintained in the project, typically at 99%+. This helps us evaluate how the CMS works across various Python and Django versions. As the CMS is not a Django project as such, you are unable to test it directly and instead have to create a CMS project and run the test from there.


Install the Django version you would like to test against, then install the CMS with the test packages enabled and then create a new project:

$ pip install Django==1.x.x
$ pip install onespacemedia-cms[testing]
$ start_cms_project.py testing . --without-people --without-faqs --without-jobs --skip-frontend

You can then run the tests with:

$ ./manage.py test cms

If you would like coverage information you can use:

$ coverage run --source=cms --omit='*migrations*' manage.py test cms && coverage html

This will output a set of HTML files which you can open with:

$ open htmlcov/index.html